
line facebook ติดต่อ

แบบที่ 1

แบบที่ 2

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

วิธีทำให้ SMF 2.0.X โพสต์วีดีโอจาก Youtube ได้, Youtube SMF 2.0.9

วิธีทำให้ SMF 2.0.X โพสต์วีดีโอจาก Youtube ได้, Youtube SMF 2.0.9


ผมอยากจะแชร์ประสบการณ์การโพสต์วีดีโอจาก Youtube ใน SMF 2.0.9 หลังจากที่ผมลง Mods หลายๆอันแต่ก็ไม่ได้ซักอันเลยครับ ผมเลยทำแบบ Manual แก้ไข file ทีละอันตามรายละเอียดด้านล่างครับ

1. /Sources/Subs.php

1.1 ค้นหา
โค๊ด: [Select]
'tag' => 'white',
'before' => '<span style="color: white;" class="bbc_color">',
'after' => '</span>',

1.1 เติมต่อท้ายที่หาด้านบนด้วย
โค๊ด: [Select]
'tag' => 'youtube',
'type' => 'unparsed_content',
'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
// Access globals
global $txt, $context;
// Determine which variable is the link
$link = !is_array($data) ? $data : $data[0] ;
// Remove linebreaks & trim
$link = trim(strtr($link, array(\'<br />\' => \'\')));
// Parse the ID of video or playlist safely
if  (preg_match(\'~^(?:http://((?:www|au|br|ca|es|fr|de|hk|ie|in|il|it|jp|kr|mx|nl|nz|pl|ru|tw|uk)\.)?youtube\.com/(?:[^"]*?)(?:(?:video_)?id=|(?:v|p)(?:/|=)))?([0-9a-f]{16}|[0-9a-z-_]{11})~i\'.($context[\'utf8\'] ? \'u\' : \'\'), $link, $matches))
// Localised youtube site?  If not use www.
$site = !empty($matches[1]) ? strtolower($matches[1]) : \'www.\' ;
// Video or Playlist ID?
$type = strlen($matches[2]) == 11 ? 1 : 0 ;
// Set sizes Or Normalise sizes (If sizes are <100 or > 780)
if(!is_array($data) || ($data[1] > 780 || $data[1] < 100 || $data[2] > 780 || $data[2] < 100))
$data = array(0, 425, ($type ? 350 : 355));
// Set ID in the array
$data[0] = $matches[2];
// Tidy up
unset($matches, $link);

// Set the Content (With conditions on disabled types of BBCode)
if (isset($disabled[\'url\']) && isset($disabled[\'youtube\']))
// Youtube & Url bbc disabled? (eg Printer friendly pages)
$tag[\'content\'] = "http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") ."=". $data[0];
// Only Youtube is disabled, So make an active link
$tag[\'content\'] = "<a href=\"http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") ."=". $data[0]."\" target=\"_blank\">http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") ."=". $data[0]."</a>";
// Empty content
$tag[\'content\'] = \'\';

// Build the <object> (Non-Mac IE Only)
if($context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie\'] && !$context[\'browser\'][\'is_mac_ie\'])
$tag[\'content\'] = \'<object width="\'.$data[1].\'px" height="\'.$data[2].\'px">\'
.\'<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/\'.($type ? "v" : "p").\'/\'.$data[0].\'&amp;rel=1&amp;fs=1" />\'
.\'<param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />\'
.\'<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" />\';
// Build the <embed>
$tag[\'content\'] .= \'<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/\'.($type ? "v" : "p").\'/\'.$data[0].\'&amp;rel=1&amp;fs=1" \'
.\'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="never" \'
.\'wmode="transparent" width="\'.$data[1].\'px" height="\'.$data[2].\'px">\';
// Build the <noembed>
$tag[\'content\'] .= "<noembed><a href=\"http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p" ) ."=". $data[0]."\" target=\"_blank\">http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") ."=". $data[0]."</a></noembed>";
// Closing <embed>
$tag[\'content\'] .= \'</embed>\';
// Close the <object> (Non-Mac IE Only)
if($context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie\'] && !$context[\'browser\'][\'is_mac_ie\'])
$tag[\'content\'] .= \'</object>\';
// Invalid link
$tag[\'content\'] = $txt[\'youtube_invalid\'];
'disabled_content' => '$1',
'tag' => 'youtube',
'type' => 'unparsed_commas_content',
'test' => '\d+,\d+\]',
'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
// Access globals
global $txt, $context;
// Determine which variable is the link
$link = !is_array($data) ? $data : $data[0] ;
// Remove linebreaks & trim
$link = trim(strtr($link, array(\'<br />\' => \'\')));
// Parse the ID of video or playlist safely
if  (preg_match(\'~^(?:http://((?:www|au|br|ca|es|fr|de|hk|ie|in|il|it|jp|kr|mx|nl|nz|pl|ru|tw|uk)\.)?youtube\.com/(?:[^"]*?)(?:(?:video_)?id=|(?:v|p)(?:/|=)))?([0-9a-f]{16}|[0-9a-z-_]{11})~i\'.($context[\'utf8\'] ? \'u\' : \'\'), $link, $matches))
// Localised youtube site?  If not use www.
$site = !empty($matches[1]) ? strtolower($matches[1]) : \'www.\' ;
// Video or Playlist ID?
$type = strlen($matches[2]) == 11 ? 1 : 0 ;
// Set sizes Or Normalise sizes (If sizes are <100 or > 780)
if(!is_array($data) || ($data[1] > 780 || $data[1] < 100 || $data[2] > 780 || $data[2] < 100))
$data = array(0, 425, ($type ? 350 : 355));
// Set ID in the array
$data[0] = $matches[2];
// Tidy up
unset($matches, $link);

// Set the Content (With conditions on disabled types of BBCode)
if (isset($disabled[\'url\']) && isset($disabled[\'youtube\']))
// Youtube & Url bbc disabled? (eg Printer friendly pages)
$tag[\'content\'] = "http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") ."=". $data[0];
// Only Youtube is disabled, So make an active link
$tag[\'content\'] = "<a href=\"http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") ."=". $data[0]."\" target=\"_blank\">http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") ."=". $data[0]."</a>";
// Empty content
$tag[\'content\'] = \'\';

// Build the <object> (Non-Mac IE Only)
if($context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie\'] && !$context[\'browser\'][\'is_mac_ie\'])
$tag[\'content\'] = \'<object width="\'.$data[1].\'px" height="\'.$data[2].\'px">\'
.\'<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/\'.($type ? "v" : "p").\'/\'.$data[0].\'&amp;rel=1&amp;fs=1" />\'
.\'<param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />\'
.\'<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" />\';
// Build the <embed>
$tag[\'content\'] .= \'<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/\'.($type ? "v" : "p").\'/\'.$data[0].\'&amp;rel=1&amp;fs=1" \'
.\'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="never" \'
.\'wmode="transparent" width="\'.$data[1].\'px" height="\'.$data[2].\'px">\';
// Build the <noembed>
$tag[\'content\'] .= "<noembed><a href=\"http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p" ) ."=". $data[0]."\" target=\"_blank\">http://". $site ."youtube.com/". ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") ."=". $data[0]."</a></noembed>";
// Closing <embed>
$tag[\'content\'] .= \'</embed>\';
// Close the <object> (Non-Mac IE Only)
if($context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie\'] && !$context[\'browser\'][\'is_mac_ie\'])
$tag[\'content\'] .= \'</object>\';
// Invalid link
$tag[\'content\'] = $txt[\'youtube_invalid\'];
'disabled_content' => '$1',

1.2 ค้นหา
โค๊ด: [Select]
$disabled['email'] = true;
$disabled['flash'] = true;

1.2 เติมต่อท้ายที่หาด้านบนด้วย
โค๊ด: [Select]
// Disable youtube if on 'printer friendly page'
$disabled['youtube'] = true;

2. /Sources/Subs-Editor.php

2.1 ค้นหา
โค๊ด: [Select]
'image' => 'flash',
'code' => 'flash',
'before' => '[flash=200,200]',
'after' => '[/flash]',
'description' => $txt['flash']

2.2 เติมก่อนหน้าที่หาด้านบนด้วย
โค๊ด: [Select]
'image' => 'youtube',
'code' => 'youtube',
'before' => '[youtube]',
'after' => '[/youtube]',
'description' => $txt['youtube']

3. /Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php

3.1 ค้นหา
โค๊ด: [Select]
3.2 เติมก่อนหน้าที่หาด้านบนด้วย
โค๊ด: [Select]
$txt['youtube'] = 'YouTube';
$txt['youtube_invalid'] = '#Invalid YouTube Link#';

4. /Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english-utf8.php

4.1 ค้นหา
โค๊ด: [Select]
4.2 เติมก่อนหน้าที่หาด้านบนด้วย
โค๊ด: [Select]
$txt['youtube'] = 'YouTube';
$txt['youtube_invalid'] = '#Invalid YouTube Link#';

สุดท้ายครับอย่าลืมอัพโหลดรูป (Save รูปไป Upload ใช้ได้เลยครับ) ไปไว้ที่ธีมที่เราใช้ในปัจจุบันใน path ตามนี้ครับ /images/bbc

1. http://www.welovethailand.com/webboard/index.php?topic=52.0
2. http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?action=parse;mod=936;attach=154120;smf_version=2.0
3. http://www.ratchayothin.com/index.php?topic=31.msg51;topicseen#msg51

